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Best Practice For Traveling With Your Pet

When you are going on a trip for a holiday or vacation, what do you do with your pet? Do you take them with you or leave them at their favorite kennel hotel? For those who take their pets with them for the adventure, PetArmor® is giving you some tips and suggestions to make travel a little less stressful for both you and your pet.

1. Short trips (< 4 hours) for a day or so to a place you know your dog is welcome.

Make sure your dog is comfortable wherever they may be going. If you are staying with friends or family that have pets, make sure you know your pet will be safe from other pets sharing the same space. Ensure where you’re staying is dog-friendly, whether that has appropriate gating or has a space for your pet to roam and get fresh air.

As for long car-rides or extended trips away from home, a boarding kennel may work better for your pet to keep them safe and well attended while you’re away.

2. Stay-At-Home Cats.

Most cats do well for a few days as long as they have water, clean litter and food. It’s never a bad idea to make sure a neighbor or friend can come over once or twice a day to do check-in.  The longest a cat should go unattended is 48 hours, and make sure that pet sitters can reach you and your veterinarian in case of emergency.

3. Try To Avoid Airplane Trips.

Unless you have a small dog who can go in the cabin with you, it’s best to only reserve air travel with your pet for those few unavoidable circumstances like a cross-country move. Even then, a car trip with frequent stops beats a plane ride.

Snub-nosed breeds like bulldogs, pugs, and the like should never fly in the cargo hold. And NEVER claim to have your pet be a service animal unless they truly are.

Boarding Kennels for Your Pet

Cats tend to take being at a boarding kennel better than dogs in most cases. Some dogs can really get wound up if they’re away from home, so knowing your dog’s temperament and how they do in new surroundings is important for making the call on whether kenneling is best for your situation.

When looking for a good kennel, make sure your dog will be comfortable, have fun, and be safe, so you can rest easy while you’re away. Talk to your family, friends, or vet for any recommendations. It’s worth the homework ahead of time so you can avoid adding more stress as you get ready to travel.