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Celebrate Your Pet

It’s National Pet Day!

Today we celebrate all pets – small, large, furry, and fluffy. Let’s just say thank you for providing smiles, for sharing cuddles, and for being a loyal companion. While there is so much our pets do for us, this day was created to raise awareness about the importance of pet adoption. So, let’s shed some light on how to best celebrate your adopted pets!

  1. Enjoy a day out with your pet at a pet-friendly outdoor café or coffee bar. Here, your pet can interact and learn to socialize with pets around them.
  2. For those with rescued pets, be sure to share your pet's story when asked and take pride in rescuing. You never know whom you might influence to adopt instead of shop.
  3. What’s your pet’s favorite thing to do? Do it! A walk, swim, or going to the park.
  4. For the cat stewards, celebrate by making a window perch for a bird’s eye view. This can simply be fashioned from a window-height table with a cozy blanket or purchased or constructed as a high-tech custom bed that fastens to the window ledge.
  5. Give them a new toy that will tap into their natural prey drive!
  6. Visit and support your local rescue. Help with walking homeless pets or consider giving them the gift of a forever home. Ask friends to join in so they may be inspired to help out as well.
  7. Share National Pet Day on social media. Post pics with your pet and share how you celebrated so that the message can reach others in your circle.

Pet parents everywhere should celebrate their pets, especially those adopted, every day. These furry friends are like family and have a tremendous impact on those around them. Here’s to a very happy National Pet Day and we appreciate all the love they bring to pet parents everywhere.